Post by
Jackattack77 on Feb 11, 2021 5:12pm
1.5%-3% daily gains
I am ok with this current trend of seeing small gains coming in on a daily basis while the world awaits more news from this company. I hope that SIXW has spread their team out to allow for travel in both the US and Canada without having to quarantine for 2 weeks each time.
Comment by
Bakunin6 on Feb 12, 2021 9:51am
Nice to see .40 again...sixw certainly knows how to keep a low profile...Slow and steady is fine but large jumps are in the dna of this one...I wonder what kind of catalyst is requred to see it again? Anyway, glta.
Comment by
Jackattack77 on Feb 12, 2021 10:11am
Don't get me wrong... I am just enjoying the solid climb until we have a SONA style run. It is coming - Covid commercialization, Affinity news, or IXOS revenues.