Historical work
Significant Historical Drillhole Intercepts at the Palmetto Project, Discovery Zone
Hole # Interval Length Gold Silver Hole Type Company
From (m) To (m) (m) (g/t) (g/t)
RMR-4 (recalc.) 120.4 207.3 86.9 30.4 148.3 RC Romarco Minerals
incl. (prev) 123.4 158.5 35.1 55.3 275.8
RMR-14 (recalc.) 138.7 243.8 105.1 3.5 14.2 RC Romarco Minerals
incl. (prev) 146.3 158.5 1 2.2 12.2 19
RPC-90-907 (recalc.)122.3 155.4 33.1 20.5 63.3 Core Phelps Dodge
incl. (prev) 122.3 128 5.7 23 99.4
incl. (prev) 137.2 144.8 7.6 68 157.6
RPR-89-14 (recalc.) 83.8 137.2 53.4 11.2 35 RC Phelps Dodge
incl. (prev) 83.8 112.8 29 18.2 51.1
RPR-89-19 (recalc.) 134.1 138.7 4.6 31.6 394.7 RC Phelps Dodg