Post by
Kykokillsit on Jan 03, 2018 10:03am
I dunno
Im watching my questrade and it sure looks like everyone is selling off
Comment by
Infamousd on Jan 03, 2018 10:08am
THe problem is that investors aren't patient anymore. They are focused on chasing the next big thing so they sell on red and buy other stocks on their green days.... A lot of people are chasing so yes this might get hammerd. But long term holders just need to be patient.
Comment by
steveo013 on Jan 03, 2018 2:47pm
Exactly, well said InfamousD. It simply looks like it’s consolidating. Everyone has their comfort threshold, but I don’t see the need to panic. I’m in for long haul.
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bobodolen123456 on Jan 03, 2018 3:47pm
exacly,news to follow ,still early in the cali rally,more deals to follow including isol,long hold ,stock is being controlled,joint venture with chv may seem small,but,weed stocks are overvalued and alternates to pot is the furture,we are early in this game,6 months from now you will ask yourself why did i not put in more