Post by
investalot23 on Mar 25, 2018 5:25pm
instagram shut down
looks like the #getfli instagram is shutdown. what is going on? no more social media? i guess it wasnt working out?
Sorry, an error occurs from Instagram API: The access_token provided is invalid.
Comment by
pointswest2 on Mar 25, 2018 8:52pm
please , list your experiance with a startup company in a new segment .. cause .. you know , being negative is easy .. requires no real thought or acomplishment
Comment by
Greede on Mar 25, 2018 9:56pm
Dude enough of the exact same repeating grumpy tired old man posts. Nothing new here. It's just one rambling incoherent mess after another with you. Sell your holdings, move on and get a new hobby.