Post by
geodcan on May 13, 2019 12:49pm
mostly good with another washed out deal announced at the same time. Hasn't done much for the shareprice but maybe investors have heard so much that they don' believe it or just lost interest. How busy bullboards and chat lines are is sort of another measure of how investors percieve what is going on with their investments.
Good news is they are moving ahead in California and despite the Tres Ojos deal washing out, it seems we still have their products to sell. Given the speed at which we have been able to formulate and package our stuff it is probably better that we just find some wholesalers who hopefully will use our oil and let us put our own label on their products so that we have something to generate some revenue on.
I am still wondering about the NutriSci deal for California. Haven't heard anything from either side and no indication that they have co-produced a product or two. NutriSci has an energy product and want to do a line of thc and cbd and have some kind of a handshake deal with EAT to crank these out. Some of the biggies have earnings reports this week, hopefully will spark the greenrush up again. It has been a beat-down week across most greenrush stocks. glta and dyodd
Comment by
vermontalox on May 13, 2019 1:30pm
I think the outlook on the big guys is less favourable this time around, the magical green rush is kind of over but where there is good news, money should follow
Comment by
RiskyBiz928 on May 14, 2019 9:16am
The states are full of too many old uptight conservatives who still believe in "Reefer Madness". Once they die off, the US will finally be on board - in the next decade if we're lucky... you'd think Trump being the "genious business man" he is would be all over it but his party won't let him. At least the Dems have a more liberal attitude - one more year!