Post by
Longhauler40 on Mar 23, 2021 7:45pm
Somebody posted this on ceo
Could this be the reason why there are a billion shares out? Or if this is even real? SponsorsOne Inc. (SPO) was incorporated in accordance with the Business Corporation Act (Ontario) under the laws of the Province of Ontario on March 9, 1965 under the name "Superior Copper Mines Limited". The Corporation filed various articles of amendments dated August 8, 1972, March 6, 1979, March 3, 1988, May 9, 1989, January 8, 1990, February 26, 1997 and December 19, 2013 in respect of changes to share capital and other corporate matters including to change of its name to "Mountainview Explorations Inc.", then to "Banro Capital Group Inc." then to "International Infopet Systems Ltd." and finally to "SponsorsOne Inc0
Comment by
Longhauler40 on Mar 23, 2021 10:23pm
well that sums it up pretty well! Thank you! Hopefully we hear some good news this week or next. I'm hopeful that next week we will hear about the results of the special meeting.
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Longhauler40 on Mar 24, 2021 7:11pm
do you own shares in sponsorsone? What would you recommend for your sell target?
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paracelcius on Mar 24, 2021 7:31pm
j'en possede 23 000 action de cette compagnie a .06495 unitaire je vais attendre la fin de la descente pour noyer ma perte et repartir vers le haut mais quand va savoir
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paracelcius on Mar 24, 2021 8:36pm
comme je te disais mais cela reste ton opinion, je dis que tu es au mauvais endroit mais ce ne sont pas mes actions et je te laisse libre d'en faire ce que tu veux mais tu devrais prendre le temps d'en discuster avec un expert en placement il va surement te dire la mme choses sur les penny stock
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paracelcius on Mar 24, 2021 8:38pm
Pour finir je ne suis pas un day trader dans les facon de faire oui mais je ne suis pas devant mon ecran a surveiller les cote boursiere en temps reel , je travaille dans une usine je jette un regard sur les cote durant les pose et je fait mes recherche le soir a propos des achats avec du potentiel de fluctuatons
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Pennystock1976 on Mar 24, 2021 8:58pm
You sound like a rat choking on his dinner. French :(
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paracelcius on Mar 24, 2021 9:33pm
Et bien il faut tre un anglais imbecile pour ecrire on sur un interupteur surement incapable de voir la difference entre alume et etaint . tes sarcasme tu peux te les garder pour toi :) cela demontre juste ton degre d,imaturite !!!!
Comment by
Longhauler40 on Mar 24, 2021 10:24pm
Get your head out of your a$$ and off the high horse. Your trying to tell everybody about penny stocks and no one is listening to you because you are a narcissist. It's true what they say about the french. Ignorant, self absorbed know it all's! C ya!
Comment by
Longhauler40 on Mar 24, 2021 8:39pm
this is a penny stock? I had no idea...