Post by
Sapwood on Feb 11, 2021 12:49pm
The waiting game
Who here is waiting from at least december 2020?
Comment by
lifegoeson on Feb 11, 2021 4:18pm
Sapwood, the waiting game to see if we win or loose..... SKYG traded 195,000 shares today, relatively low volume indicating to me the results are likely not back yet, so tomorrow is Friday and then no trading until Tuesday, a lot can happen from now until then, perhaps tomorrow...? Perhaps next week...? How many holes have we drilled...? Are they still drilling...?
Comment by
Sapwood on Feb 11, 2021 8:06pm
That's what I am currently wondering if they have at least news of something about the core splitting ( which I hope is done on the 4-7 first holes)..: It's a long game, I must admit it.
Comment by
Maxdude on Feb 12, 2021 10:27pm
It's sure is a waiting game here. Everything is sooooo quiet..not even a Let's hope the results are decent and we get lift-off here and it holds....hopefully. Good luck everyone.
Comment by
lifegoeson on Feb 13, 2021 10:04am
Maxdude, look at the positive side, at least the price didn't go any lower and it gave a chance for people to buy more shares if they believe. SKYG traded 1.55 M for the week, hopefully results come back positive and the price continues upwards. The one good thing is SKYG should still have money in the bank. Good Luck.