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howestreetbull on Feb 23, 2021 12:37pm
maybe dating myself here but you might have heard the old expression the easiest place to find gold is within sight of the headframe of another goldmine...
Comment by
lifegoeson on Feb 23, 2021 3:27pm
Howestreetbull, can you elaborate, what property, what company, has this been previously drilled, etc.... I agree, best to drill near a place that has proven gold...
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howestreetbull on Feb 25, 2021 9:14am
rumour is Mr Sprott funded Mike's to the tune of $2M in the recently announced PP at 0.45c , if he needed a backer to aggressively tackle both properties at once I think he could find it?
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lifegoeson on Feb 25, 2021 11:40am
Sprott is a billionaire with so much money he doesn't know what to do with it, so he leverages every investment in hopes of hitting the big one, like NFG, SKYG, GLM and the list goes on and on..... get him to put more money into SKYG, or has he already sold....?