Post by
Cheadle12 on Feb 25, 2021 2:27pm
These guys have too much dry gas..
missing out on $60+ Oil.
Need a better production mix, like Kelt who are more Oil Heavy and a healthy balance of Nat Gas.
vs. a one trick "PONY" like AAV.
We all know what happens to pure play gassers.. they get taken to the glue-shed by CNQ.
Comment by
Margin321 on Feb 25, 2021 2:57pm
They have the oil in the ground and can make strategic decision about the mix. Don't forget it was less than a year ago that oil was selling for negative dollars. You had to pay someone to offload it. I can't blame them for not aggressively upping the oil in their mix at that time point.
Comment by
Cheadle12 on Feb 25, 2021 3:19pm
good point, just concerned that their FCF isn't all that good. On Eric Nutella's chart it shows right at the bottom in terms of FCF yields.. basically it's either not generating enough FCF or the stock is overvalued. They need to make a better move.. magpie.. attract attention like a shiny object. Seems flat & boring.
Comment by
Wildcattter on Feb 25, 2021 4:35pm
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