Post by
blueskies on Mar 29, 2022 3:48pm
Expecting news within 72 hours
I expect we will get an update no later than two hours after close on April 1st based on the comments from Lewis in late February I think a news release is required. I'm hopeful the news will be a fulsome update stating the long lead time equipment has arrived and linked to this the initial drawdown occured to pay for this equipment. It is possible the announcment will be that due to an increase in Covid cases in South Korea the delivery of the long lead time equipment is be delayed by a couple of weeks and thus the drawdown will not occur until it is required. I think the positive news is any delays at this point should be weeks not months.
Comment by
blueskies on Mar 30, 2022 10:04am
Great news for Almonty, I am very pleased. Now we should hear news on the long lead time equipment next. With two news releases out this week I expect the equipment announcement to come next week. Congrats to all shareholders of Almonty and to Lewis Black and the rest of the Aii leadership.