Post by
bossu on Jan 10, 2021 12:12pm
Storage capacity at RIPET
I really d'ont know the LPG storage capacity in the big reservoir but need to be 80 000 tons of LPG.
They have to be able to receive more rail cars per day loaded with LPG and Randy at one point talked about '' finned tuning'' the scheduling system with the CNR.
Just to say that I'm not aware of the overall operation and absolutely not certain about the ''dual LPG tanker'' possibility but simply questioning the actual and obsolete situation at RIPET.
Comment by
Dapper1 on Jan 10, 2021 7:09pm
Bossu: The design tank size is 600,000 bbl's as taken from their EIA. The actual operating ullage is typically about 85% or about 510,000 bbl's. As they increase output the must be also must be optimizing operations (typical as a facility matures) and are able to use one tank for these expanded rates..
Comment by
bossu on Jan 10, 2021 7:44pm
Dapper1 Very interesting number,because the 600 000 bbls mean about 50 000 tons capacity and looks to me correct. Just to say that the most important point is the CNR delivery and storing capacity at Prince Rupert Port and this is what Randy was talking about: Larger storing capacity using CNR rail propane tankers and better scheduling.