Post by
godisgr81 on Jun 12, 2017 2:44pm
Cheap Warrants
Thank you for letting me have some more cheap warrants today. For anyone that can actually calculate the time value of these warrants, they are still good value for risk. Warrants are like call options on the sp. They should be trading at or above .30 and great risk reward ratio. These warrants will trade well over .50 this year.
God Bless the Longs........
Comment by
SLD11 on Jun 12, 2017 8:20pm
I like you optimism...but need some clarification. Is the exercise price (or strike price) on the warrants not $7.00. If this is correct and the stock price hits $12 (the low end of your range) before next May 30, won't the warrants be worth approx. $4.50 - 5.00 which is 18-20 times the current price (a little more than triple).? Same, GL all longs.
Comment by
profittaker1 on Jun 12, 2017 8:36pm
It's 10 warrants per share with a $7/share conversion price. If ALO.TO ended up at $8, they would be worth $0.10. If ALO.TO ended up at $10, they would be worth $0.30 and so on... (Share Price - $7)/10 = warrant price.
Comment by
SLD11 on Jun 12, 2017 8:40pm
Thank you, that mkes more sense. SLD11