Post by
fb454 on Nov 21, 2017 1:49pm
Lets put this responsibility on Brian Coates,
I tried calling and sent him a few e-mails. Why did they hire Greg M. after he was part of the fiasco at Asanko Gold? He was part of theThey have no scruples or honor. Brian Coates should resign for the failure he`s been here at Alo. They should be ashamed of themselves.
Comment by
Weeble on Nov 21, 2017 2:18pm
You are full of it. I am convinced that you screwed up with some clients or your firm on the last financing and are now trying to blame others rather than yourself. Grow up.
Comment by
fb454 on Nov 21, 2017 2:31pm
Your are mistaken sir or madame. I am an independant investor. Never had clients. Everything I stated are facts. Don`t take my word for it. Research it. Ask the CEO expert if he screwed anyone or any frim since he`s been at Alio.
Comment by
Weeble on Nov 21, 2017 2:39pm
I don't believe you. You keep bringing up the last financing. I think you are either short, acquiring or have an axe to grind. Nobody spends so much time on a BB or keeps owning a stock when they hate the management so much.