Post by
sclarda on Feb 11, 2021 10:31pm
This board reminds me of a lot of junior mining stocks especially those with a project under construction. When the shareprice soared a few months ago everbody was happy and many called for a higher and higher shareprice.
How things have changed in the last while as the shareprice continuously dropped. And now some are blaming the PR department. Funny how they did not blame the PR department as the shareprice soared awhile ago. Maybe more PR could help the shareprice a bit but the biggest problem is many of us have personally witnessed many times with a junior miner in this situation is that it takes a lot of time for the project to get approved, financed and built and it can be extremely frustrating for shareholders to wait for many years especially as they see the Teslas and Bitcoins of the world soaring day after day.
At the end of the day though as Mr Buffet once said. "In the short term the market is a popularity contest, in the long term its a weighing machine."
So while we wait lets do a little "Weighing" to pass the time.
The current market cap of Tesla and Bitcoin is aprox. $1.5 trillion US or aprox $2 trillion CDN. And how much free cashflow do these two companies produce. 0
And then we have AOT with a market cap. of aprox. $300 million CDN. In a couple of years it will be producing aprox. 140 thousand ounces of gold and making aprox. $1000 US per ounce in free cashflow per ounce at todays gold prices. That would equal aprox. $140 million US or $180 million CDN. in free cashflow per year.
Tesla and Bitcoin $2 trillion CDN market cap. 0 free cashflow per year.
AOT $300 million CDN market cap. $180 million CDN. free cashflow per year in two years.
Currently the market is in the "Popularity" phase for the Teslas and Bitcoins of the world. In a couple years when AOT starts bringing in that large cashflow will be the time for the "Weighing" to begin.
Comment by
EarsOfADonkey on Feb 12, 2021 12:23pm
Bravo! Bravo! Well said Sclarda. Tuck this stock away in your back pocket for a couple years.
Comment by
symington on Feb 16, 2021 2:12am
only 14 years, you are a newby. leicester, hyder and ascot wewe my hatrick. hyder is now torex. i preach patience and happiness.