Post by
goldens on Mar 02, 2022 11:05am
Somewhat expected
Hopefully things will pick up next quarter with increased travel. They should do better with the Airport concession. I'm sure we will see some more downside but they did raise the dividend so I will sit on it and collect the money until they turn it back around.
Comment by
AndrewWiggin on Mar 02, 2022 1:32pm
I've watching ARE for a while and today I started a small position today. I might add more in the next few days if the price continues to decline. It is still a solid business.
Comment by
HermannHaller on Mar 02, 2022 2:58pm
On the conference call with analysts, they explained that there were several factors in Q4 which hit the margins that are not expected to continue in 2022. They also talked about the quality of the backlog, new contract awards year to date, and the expectation of growth this year. The Q4 margin was disappointing, but I think analysts will feel more confident about the outlook.
Comment by
mydividends on Mar 02, 2022 3:25pm
Been watching and share the same sentiment, added as well. Nice to see a dividend increase too!