Post by
SomeGainNoPain on Nov 18, 2021 12:03pm
NCIB coming
According to yahoo finance, 357000 is the average shares traded per day. With NCIB usual terms, 10% of this each day can be rebought and cancelled, so 35700 shares daily. With around 250 trading days per year, approximately 9 million additional shares can be cancelled in the next 12 months, way below the 10% of total shares (17 million). Amerigo already has the funds to execute this. It will be a great 12 months.
Comment by
savyinvestor333 on Nov 18, 2021 4:22pm
They are also usually allowed to make block trades that do not count in the daily average. See sample wording below. Purchases will be made at prevailing market prices commencing September 20, 2021 and ending September 19, 2022. Pursuant to TSX policies, daily purchases will not exceed xxxxx common shares, other than block purchase exceptions.