Post by
Brioche on Jul 24, 2021 11:02am
Lo increible will not come back into
The gcm bag . Gcm and Wa have extended the outside date of the acquisition ( via medoro ) for 2 y more . Oct 2023 .( Maduro always pesident ) june 9th pr on Wa site.
Lo increible ( 1 mil oz in pp 2009 )is sold ( theoretically ) 20 mil usd to Wa which will pay by issuing shares to gcm.
Problem: the wa mcap is 5 mil cad . ..!!..-))
Knowing serafino has 10 % of Wa and only 1.7 % of gcm , knowing he put big sum years ago in lo increible , now freezed , the only way to get the money back is to prolong this strange deal despite the big potentiel dilution of wa. Potentiel only , because Maduro seems to want discussing with the opponents. So if iwithin one or 2 y , Venezuela changes , lo increible and Wa will be valued a lot higher. Serafino could then win its bet .
just trying to understand why to marry a nunavut property with a freezed venezuelian one.-)