RBC, sticks to it Buy rating, however it is the lowest price target put forth by all the analysts in July. Micheal Harvey, took to task the ARC management regarding full cycle investment in Attachie, it was a bid of a comedity moment.
Watch it for yourselfs, and managment trys to justify Full Cycle investment in Attachie, while they have more than 40,000 boe of no Capex required half cycle economics in the most economical play in the basin, truely entertaining.
RBC is suppose to be an ARC fan, and Michaeal Harvey has personnelly interview out management, and even after attending the RBC confrence, they do compelled to give ARC the lowest price target of all the analyst who provided an update in the month of June. Management is dismal in their presentation.
https://www.investing.com/news/rbc-capital-stick-to-their-buy-rating-for-arc-resources-2548320 IMHO