Post by
northman on Aug 03, 2023 12:07pm
Folks keep talking about ARC paying down their debt some more, but they only really have two long term notes outstanding with the following details:
1. $450MM, 2.3% interest, due in 2026
2. $550MM, 3.465% interest due in 2031
This is the entirety of their debt. There is absolutely zero change that these will get paid off before maturity given the interest rate, so don't expect their debt to go below $1bn for the foreseeable future. Also it would be foolish to pay these down given the absurdly low rates.
Comment by
northman on Aug 03, 2023 7:11pm
Whoops. My bad there is a syndicated credit facility number up there for $130mm making up the difference. New baby in the house... my brain is fried!
Comment by
Quintessential1 on Aug 03, 2023 8:00pm
LOL. No worries its not like you said they had a 2.5 times EPS beat. And my kids are grown. That 130mm is what I am wondering why they had to add and at what interest rate. Thanks for the short term or net debt explanation, if it doesn't cost I don't really care but I thought it did or could. GLTY and all ARX BULLS