Post by
Rational43 on Oct 21, 2021 1:20pm
I want to hear plans with their Great Gobs of Cash
WIth the great gobs of cash piling up in their coffers, and an even greater pile coming next year when hedges expire, I'd love to see them take the "Nutall Pledge", and codify a return of capital model based on FCF after capex required to keep production flat.
I'd prefer to see it heavily on Share buybacks at these absurdly cheap prices, but a promise to return 50% of FCF through share buybacks and dividends, and the remainder to reduce debt would lead to a massive share price jump in this name.
The market won't react well to increased spending to increase production, unless its tied to a model like this.
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ManitobaCanuck on Oct 21, 2021 3:00pm
I agree they should keep debt at 100mill or so and tell the bank to GFY . Plan a NCIB for 5% every year for 3 years to take out the 15% shares dilued by warrants. Approx 30mill needed for NCIB every year . ITs cheaper to buyback the debt which is being paid at 9.75%
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ManitobaCanuck on Oct 21, 2021 6:25pm
Your strategy might be good if you expect multi year oil bull market . If Oil crashes again then we are stuck .Remember banks are difficult to deal with when u have long debt.
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MrICE on Oct 21, 2021 6:28pm
Will be interesting to see how much info they give us now and how much they save for financials on November 3rd
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Mindset on Oct 21, 2021 7:07pm
Would love a substantial issuer bid. But that would probably happen in 2023 once they provide guidance for the 2023. Follow that up with NCIB once the SIB is completed. I wouldn't want a dividend unless the stock is fairly valued.
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ComradeKomissar on Oct 21, 2021 8:34pm
ATH should generate ~ $250M FCF at $80 WTI in 2022. Oh I think it is a lil' more than that. Quite a lil' bit more.
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Rational43 on Oct 22, 2021 10:20am
$250M is Free cash flow, after capital investment to sustain production, at $80. That's half their market cap. Every $5 WTI is worth anothe $70M FCF. Not having to pay taxes for a decade or two is awesome.