Comment by
Alexcanada on Mar 03, 2022 7:18am
And they confirm once again that : "We continue to progress the wind down of our last LSTK contracts, significantly decreasing the backlog in 2021, and expect that they will be mostly concluded by the end of the first quarter of 2023." So another year of possible sideway action and then we'll move on
Comment by
Gabriel on Mar 03, 2022 7:20am
You think the market is that stupid?
Comment by
FutureRealty on Mar 03, 2022 7:37am
Enfin des provisions pour les LSTK, ceci rendra le futur plus previsible... De plus, les reclamations (covid et autres) ajouteront aux revenus... Le poids financier des LSTK est petit comparativement a la valeur de capital... Bonne chance pour aujourd'hui
Comment by
Gabriel on Mar 03, 2022 10:13am
Tu as raison. Les 235m seront reclames et les 300m sont hypothetiques pour le pire scenario d'une poursuite des restrictions COVID. Ils sont reclamables. Les maitres doubrages sont obliges de compenser dans ces contrats. Clause standard.
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Alexcanada on Mar 03, 2022 7:52am
It's been in the last couple of months (with SNC) don't you agree ?
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Ronbromleygross on Mar 03, 2022 8:01am
Good results imo and paints a much clearer picture on the balance of the risks if any on the lstk contracts which I wanted. Much less risk than the market thinks. The stock price should fly as we get closer and closer to first qtr 2023 when they are mostly finished with. I'm happy Ron
Comment by
Gabriel on Mar 03, 2022 10:19am
EBIT 2021 of engineering services was 660m, and projected over 700m in 2022, valuing this division at 21.65 X or 15B (85$ per share). The multiple is based on peers per link. This is the gem. Capital covers the debt and the projected losses that are clearly claimable.
Comment by
finalstep on Mar 03, 2022 8:03am
attendu un profit de ,35 par action et nous offre perte de ,09 par action. C bien ce que je vois et le march verra?
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finalstep on Mar 03, 2022 8:27am
thanks Eddy, Maybe Time to Buy today... Market need ,35$ and not a loss.... Les analystes vont aimernbeaucoupsbde lignes mais la bourse verra une seule
Comment by
finalstep on Mar 04, 2022 10:10pm
la bourse est moin stupide que nous le croyons..... Illusion de peur pour semer la peur et prendre les billes a des prix ridicules.... De l impatient au patient, les long gagneront, les speculateurs verront le jeu et se faufileront avec le risque de perdre le bateau a l horizon....