Remember me
Number of Votes Cast
Percentage of Votes Cast
Donald Bubar
In Favour: Withheld:
66,450,046 2,938,847
95.76% 4.24%
Alan Ferry
66,402,538 2,986,355
95.70% 4.30%
Naomi Johnson
66,820,341 2,568,552
96.30% 3.70%
John E. Fisher
66,898,218 2,490,675
96.41% 3.59%
Marilyn Spink
66,203,922 3,184,971
95.41% 4.59%
Harvey L. A. Yesno
67,003,668 2,385,225
96.56% 3.44%
A daily snapshot of everything from market open to close.