This economy is very much different than the ones from the past. Today we have an economy that's supported by a bunch of part time gig workers that hold multiple jobs. In the past people had good full time positions with wages that kept up with inflation. Here's the thing. If anyone of these part time workers get laid off they never become part of the unemployed statistic because they have another part time job. In other words, they never get reported in the initial claims report that show the number of Americans collecting benefits. They are technically not unemployed because they have another part time gig side hustle.
Here are some interesting stats. There are 133,364k Americans that hold full time positions not seasonally adjusted. Last time at this time there were 134,634k full time
jobs. That's a decline of 1.27 million American full time
positions in spite of rapid population growth through illegal crossings.
Is this what we call a strong economy? Give your head a shake.