Post by
blackberry on Jan 18, 2021 1:23pm
I think the old timers are losing their edge.
This is very well thought out but I think this scenario doesnt take into consideration the momentum
Blackberry has and how catalysts would spike the share price. Today we are up on no news.
My advice is to hold and accumulate gradually.
Friendly guy wrote on Friday
Certainly good news regarding BB in the last month and a half and I'm sure more to come. I exited at $13.56 yesterday but plan on contiuing to play the swings. It should be an interesting earnings call in March and I agree it will be difficut to totally hide the impact of patent sales or settlements in the numbers. But as per usual, if there is little indication of re occuring revenue growth, or , good guidance, we will again be stuck in neutral. FYI my reason for exiting in the $13's was BB was trading at 8.50% CDN in Dec. To justify a 5$ increase in share price the sales/settlement of patents would have to net almost 3 billion U.S, and I just didn't see that given recent patent activity over the years. I hope I'm wrong. Also, I wonder if we'll ever trade at the multiples of our American peers if US analysts continue to ignore the very positive story we have here. Good Luck.
Note he exited at $13.56 but why take that chance? Of course there will be pullbacks but the upside is too attractive to be caught on the sidelines.