Comment by
BenWatsa on May 11, 2023 7:57am
As I watched the video I was anticipating one of these two, to die suddenly from the vaccine... Though to my surprise neither died suddenly during the interview... Had me on the edge of my seat.
Comment by
nellybb on May 11, 2023 8:54am
You still think the world is flat MC????? Ben is here to save us shareholders from the crooked Prem Watsa and John Chen!!!!! While holding all his shares. dude u have no influence whatsoever, no credibility LMAO
Comment by
SundREZ69 on May 11, 2023 9:18am
BEN, I laughed for 20 minutes after i read this. Its funny cause its true! I CREATED AN ACCOUNT TO JUSYLT TELL U, U MADE MY DAY!!!! DIED SUDDENLY its an everyday event