Post by
tinou on Mar 09, 2021 2:34pm
It is hard sometimes to remain objective in our thinking especially when the heart ($$!) gets into play. Here are a few reasons I see as to why Government of Quebec is playing it like that:
1) Quebec also has a heart ($$!). Who wants to invest money to try to save a dead duck. Without Alsthom buying BBD, that is what BBD would have become fairly quickly)
2) Quebec also has a heart ($$!). They now own a big chunk of Alsthom shares.
3) Quebec is building a bridge for La Pocatiere between ending Mtl subway contract and next contracts
4) Quebec has a major project on the go with the REM and guess who will be manufacturing the trains? Alsthom.
Is Quebec hypocrit or smart?
Comment by
Shamhorish on Mar 09, 2021 2:45pm
Is Quebec hypocrit or smart? and the ANSWER IS Hypocrit
Comment by
Whitewood2 on Mar 09, 2021 4:27pm
Garbage again repeating the same message again and again doen'st make it true. We have heard enough negativity on this board time to move on and look ahead istead of backward . Or change tune please.and last unlock capital letter on your keyboard.. Be polite
Comment by
flamingogold on Mar 09, 2021 4:37pm
Everything you just wrote has no bearing on the stock price. It's a waste of energy. If it bothers you this much just sell the darn stock. Why don't you post on other boards, this can't be your only investment... or do you have an agenda here?