Post by
TouchDown12 on Aug 20, 2021 10:44am
Earnings Accreative....
When do you know how share buybacks are accreative or not? With BIR buying it's stock in the 4.30's, how is it accreative to earnings? IN other words, when is it better to buy back shares verses drill more wells (production) relative to earning per share? Just asking. Thanks. TD12
Comment by
Oncourse on Aug 21, 2021 11:43am
They have to drill as to keep their production up to current levels. But they are sticking to their 5 year plan as they will only have 2 rigs drilling a total of 25 wells this coming winter, a lot of them are on existing pads and that will keep their cost down considerably. OC
Comment by
PlutusofCrete on Aug 21, 2021 4:16pm
Yup just maintenance capex....let's not go drilling for new growth.