And you cannot get worse than guys like Mr. Pluto...........and which btw i STILL don't know if he named himself after that clumsy, doppy pooch OR the irrelevant, insignificant non planetoid! In any case, which ever it is .......he aplty named himself appropriately......and does justice to his name!
Mr. Pluto seems to be singing a tune but it;s all part of the same song & dance, because according to him now......."Nothing to see, please move along, it's only options related so everything is fine" LOL
Now it's because of options, and mgmt "purposely destroyed their own stock so they can get in cheap? L-M-A-O...............yep, defintely the poster boy of awful invstors and he's NOT the only one on this platform.........there's bad investors abound on here! So Caveat Emptor ........always
Guys like Mr. Pluto are not only sad,,,,but pretty funny as well. Why? Because this isn't the first time guys like him TRY to convince other fellow investors with the same ole same ole "Everything is fine, nothing to see here, please move along" schtick
At the start, when NG prices were continuously going down as was Birch's stock price, this is what Mr. Pluto said, "Everything is fine, nothing to see here, please move along".......
End result? Birch's stock goes lower.......
Then it was the issue with them borrow to pay for their VERY generous divvy. What did Mr. pluto say then? You guessed it! "Everything is fine, nothing to see here, please move along" No problem with the divvy!
End result? Birch's stock goes even lower......
Then it was their other issue with that toxic debt going back up to unsustainable levels. What did Mr. Pluto have to say about that? Well, take a wild guess.....Yep......"Everything is fine, nothing to see here, please move along" ....according to Mr. Pluto debt levels are ok ....everything is A OK.
End result? Birch's stock continues to go muc lower
Then if it was any internal issues they had, it was NG prices getting to dangerous levels where it was completely unsustainable for Birch, especially having to payout such a generous divvy. So what was Mr. Pulto answer for that? Sure enough.... more defence of the company & misdiraction woth the usual B5.......Everything is fine, nothing to see here, please move along".......along with keep buiyng its cheap........the company will be A OK...
End result? Birch's stock at near 52 week lows and heading lower
Mow it's options? L - M - A - O
If this s "you know what " isn't as funny as hell.....i dont know WTH is..................
Oh yeah .....i almost forgot? End result......................Birch stock at all time lows
You know WHAT i SAY to guys like Mr. Pluto?
"Everything is fine, nothing to see here, please move along"