Post by
Endeavour51 on May 27, 2021 10:18am
Look to July for Bitf Glory
1st rule don't listen to people that bash others here-it makes all they say dubious
Bitfarm has these important tidbits to focus on:
Their real earnings went up
1.The extra ordinary charge leading to negative eps is one time and last quarter
2.Went from 500 to 1000 bitcoin last Q and can project 1500 bitcoin in 2nd Q. Can't show on report until this asset is sold but real value is there even if we don't know what the Bitcoin price inflection will be forward.Currently that projects to 60 million if sold. None of us know when any of it will sell. Keep in mind the naysayers don't know either.
3.The 75million offering that just closed was in this current quarter to be exact, posted in Q2- ANOTHER PLUS.
4. NASDAQ LISTING almost a sure thing and very soon and well before July.
Looking forward, more computing coming on board.
The rest is noise to disuade you-hold if you can
My opinion
Comment by
HarfanddesNeiges on May 27, 2021 10:43am
I agree, and the Future looks brighter... NASDAQ, New acquisitions, 100 % GREEN and low cost fare electricity. The best is coming if BTC stays over 40 K. GLTA
Comment by
bullFire on May 27, 2021 10:45am
do your DD, they're not 100% green. Argentina facility "to be" will be run on GAS.