Post by
topdown99 on May 24, 2021 3:16pm
$66 WTI
Its hard to believe the level of whining and outright stupidity on display here . If the advice is "sell in May and go away" then what are you still doing here ?
WTI has tested and held $60 several times , the overal trend continues to be up . One of these Wednesdays the EIA will post a massive drawdown in every catagory and WTI will be trading at $70 - $75 . When that happens , expect another run-up in the sector . Is oil politically correct , who cares , its essential and will be for years to come .
This Q has been backed by solid prices and while the sector isn't popular , it is gaining interest and recognition . Stocks like BTE still have multiple gain potential and are still heavily undervalued so I remain bullish . FCF for Q2 will be impressive across the sector and hard to ignore although I do expect another leg up long before Q2 numbers are reported .
Comment by
Unlucky13 on May 24, 2021 5:32pm
If oils hits $70 this week or if BTE crosses $2 this week I will leave forever. That's how confident I am neither will happen this week. No f u c k i n g chance oil hits $75 this week. Make a wager if you are that confident.
Comment by
topdown99 on May 24, 2021 7:54pm
unlucky , you're so full of krap I bet your eyes are brown . Read my post , it says "one of these Wednesdays" and even if this is the week that oil hits $70 , I fear we will be stuck with your whining irregardless . You can't shut up for more than an hour let alone forever .
Comment by
topdown99 on May 24, 2021 9:32pm
Good luck with your short deepbloop , you're as pathetic as your unlucky idol (idle) .
Comment by
Unlucky13 on May 24, 2021 9:47pm
Take the bet. If oil hits $70 this Wednesday I will leave and if doesn't you leave. You won't because you a relentless pumper that's reckless and you don't see the metrics of what the current share price is at $66 oil. The stock can't go over $2 until mid $70s.
Comment by
topdown99 on May 24, 2021 10:21pm
Take the bet ? 45 minutes ago you said oil wouldn't hit $70 this week , now its got to be by Wednesday ? Make up your mind . As unlucky as you are , I'll take the bet . Lets say $70 before Friday close and the loser has to say "I was wrong and topdown was right again" .
Comment by
topdown99 on May 28, 2021 3:43pm
Yes , oil didn't hit $70 , so as I agreed to , "I was wrong and topdown was right , again'
Comment by
Unlucky13 on May 28, 2021 4:19pm
To squeelched so the bet is off! You can't admit you were wrong about how your $70 oil call!
Comment by
topdown99 on May 28, 2021 6:41pm
You whining child , you are now permanantly on "ignore" !!!!
Comment by
topdown99 on May 31, 2021 10:42am
For the last time , this was the bet and my response . I don't appreciate losers slandering my name
Comment by
Unlucky13 on May 31, 2021 10:49am
No where near $70 yet and that was last week.
Comment by
Antonyius on May 31, 2021 12:27pm
ok so you tricked him but you forgot unlucky doesn't have reading comprehension level past grade school and the moral ethics of a serial car jacker why bother?
Comment by
Unlucky13 on May 31, 2021 12:51pm
Dude, you are unable to read yourself. The bet was for $70 oil and the dude was wrong. He got it wrong! I will admit I got the $1 before $2 bet wrong but he also got the $70 oil call last week wrong.
Comment by
ManitobaCanuck on May 31, 2021 12:38pm
The jury is OUT . Topdown kept his side of the deal and Unlucky did not , as he is not man enough living on handouts from his dad .Lol
Comment by
Unlucky13 on May 31, 2021 12:49pm
Oil is not at $70 and the bet was last week and it didn't happen. He lost! Learn to read. He welched and didn't admit defeat. Sore loser. If the stock stays above $2 I was wrong on the $1 before $2 and at least admit it. He can't accept he lost our bet. He smeared his own name by his actions and reniging.