Post by
urmoneyfasttalk on May 11, 2021 11:07am
Capstone Mining take a good hard look, just got an outperform rating makes $0.32 /share and very positive core samples of it's mining operations. Targeted price is $7.50 and has been going up since the news came out.
BTG makes $0.62 /share as a targeted price $7.50 US/share that is $2.50 from current market conditions but do investors do look at the price they are willing to sell at not fundamentals.
All Crypto is veritual money and sure I know at least 8 people who made money in the run up of Bitcoin but as Kevin O'Leary mentioned not one the corporations hold bitcoin they use it to move your money but they have zero held in BitCoin. Governments can't gain taxes from bit coin therefore the Government will never backup their currency in BitCoin or promote it. Banks pay taxes and need some way of reporting capital gains or capital loses.
Best to all
Comment by
urmoneyfasttalk on May 11, 2021 11:43am
Capstone Mining Corporation T.CS | Stock Quote & News | Stockhouse CS is trading at $6.38 currently Can so what do this tell investors? BTO is trading at $6.14 currently we make 1.3 times more than CS /share! BTO isn't anywhere trading near or around it's peers at a huge discount why? I value your opinion best to all!
Comment by
urmoneyfasttalk on May 11, 2021 11:51am
Made a mistake 2.5 times more earnings /share than CS and trading at or near the same stock price why?