Post by
kingscorpion on Apr 05, 2021 3:17pm
For those waiting on the sideline
Penny pinchers Looking for an entry? Well when you look at the chart you can tell we are on an up trend turning around from recent low of. 54c and going up penny or 2 at a time. Today for example it went as high as .67c and came down to current price of .65c when it does this it usually means we will achieve. 67c soon or later and then the price will break above .67c to perhaps .69c -.70c and same play will ensue. WE ARE ON AN UPTREND MOVE SO UNLESS WE ARE GOING TO HAVE A MARKET CORRECTION SO SEVERE THEN THIS CURRENT TREND IS VERY POSITIVE TO ENTER
Comment by
raven16 on Apr 05, 2021 4:00pm
50,000 Shares @ .60 Cents And No Complaints Here But It Is Interesting How It's Being Manipulated Back Down To .63 Cents In The Last Half Of Trading.Something Is Stinky Like A Dead Fish.