Post by
Undertaker on Apr 14, 2022 6:29am
There is nothing to cheer about 2021 results may be 2022
The 2021 results disappointed, we expect to be around 32MD 35md its way down, and how come they do have debts when they have cash in hand, the interest 8% that too much, its stupid, we will see end of 2022, I do own tons of CVX shares.
Comment by
kingscorpion on Apr 14, 2022 8:01am
They are long term debts Nothing to worry about I rather see the company use that cash to make an acquisitions The debts can be payed with free cash flow when company business gets better and better
Comment by
tony08 on Apr 14, 2022 11:34am
" As the company moves towards profitability and cash flow, the company intends to provide senior management and key staff with short-term cash bonuses, restricted share units and stock options. " I only wish they had waited to realy make profit before issuing those stock options.....But hey i suppose (i hope) it wont be long before it happens....