Post by
suomynona on Jul 06, 2022 9:49am
Is CVX Playing the EHT Game?
Old technology being offered by the company, a lot of fluff news about orders on the books, ancient videos of past accomplishments.... Are Gamble, Foster, Woolford and Bent now on the board here?
Comment by
kingscorpion on Jul 06, 2022 10:40am
Old technology compared to what? Cement!! Or the 2 companies that are competitors in California? Their technology is actually not as good as CVX .
Comment by
vinmick on Jul 06, 2022 12:21pm
Actually in the world of technology cellular concrete is relatively new. If you don't believe me, go ask any infrastructure engineer, cement worker, paving company, or infrastructure person if they are aware of its presence. The percentage of those you ask WILL NOT be high for those aware of the product.