Post by
michaelvim on Nov 18, 2014 3:44pm
agree that both offers arent great!
would be much easier as someone said before that aurico make an all stock offer in the $.15-$.20 range and keep their cash. would cost them practically nothing!
Comment by
99999gold on Nov 18, 2014 5:24pm
great deal for aurico for sure but I don't see a revise offer or full takeover of CGJ at .15c. Why pay 42m (or .15c) now while you can pay 30m (roughly 9.5c) thereabouts spread over 3 years? that's how sophisticated aurico is and CGJ mgmt are not. time value of money.....
Comment by
michaelvim on Nov 18, 2014 5:54pm
cause stock cost nothing and they could get 100% of the deal without earn inn milestones and work the project with no timeline.
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99999gold on Nov 18, 2014 6:40pm
Aurico can down the road decide to issue stock to buy up all of CGJ when their stock is a lot higher than CGJ - the ratio will be schewed to their favour as they're a producer, have cash flow etc and if gold rallies further their stock could be at 6 while CGJ be at 8c and aurico will be in a better position with minimum dilution with an all stock deal and premium.
Comment by
michaelvim on Nov 18, 2014 7:43pm
auq has 250 million shares O/S. If they want the asset issue 7-8 million shares $33 million- $38 million and its a done deal. Its really not a big deal!
Comment by
michaelvim on Nov 19, 2014 5:38am
i do agree with your response for the most part. That said, if i was running AUQ and i've run public co's before (OTCBB) i would use my paper and keep the cash. $300 million in debt, unprofitable, Aurico should use their best currency at their disposal right now which is their stock and be done with it.
Comment by
pdcon1 on Nov 19, 2014 9:19am
looking at the gold reserves of cgj the price should be a lot higher considering the location as well a share swap should be in the cards or a total takeover.