Post by
NobleHouse on May 18, 2024 9:53am
Red and Kherson
Again , both very good points even though they are very divergent in their take.Red , those distributions you have received are very impressive and l might remind Kherson when he says you are underwater of one point l think is important.Reddeer never said how many shares he initially owned before the distribution cut and also what he did with those distributions.Did he reinvest in new shares at a lower price and a few years ago that would add up to alot of new shares paying an ever increasing amount.Also Red never mentioned if during the lean years for CHE if he deployed new money to average far down from the original $18. So , Kherson your point is mute about his potential loss as none of us know the full story , and that l find Funny as well and l will be chuckling all weekend that one as knowledgeable as yourself did not take that point into consideration before you made your , perhaps misinformed comment.