Post by
divime1 on Jun 24, 2021 3:08pm
From first quarter financials .
Higher oil prices and increased production are expected to generate approximately $14 million more free cash flow in the updated budget which contemplates an average price for WTI of US$60 for the remainder of 2021. The incremental free cash flow is earmarked for additional debt repayment.
Will the cash generated from oil above $ 60 be used to pay a dividend ?
Comment by
ronz on Jun 24, 2021 8:56pm
I'm right with you there, a dividend is well over due to be reinstated. They were quick to pull it but not so quick to bring it back and were still waiting... The price is much higher than before Covid and they pulled it for good reason but it's time to bring it back.
Comment by
bonjovi501 on Jun 25, 2021 9:30am
Lets pay all debt first before a dividend and then lets party.
Comment by
ROIcrusader on Jun 25, 2021 10:17am
"The incremental free cash flow is earmarked for additional debt repayment." As I read it, that's referring to any FCF above $60WTI. As previous posted said, pay down debt, then let's party lol. Seems like a common thread in the industry atm.