Glad you do your own DD vs the rest of ignoramuses wining,
a PROVEN BS-ters do not feed them
ONLY those FANTASY news they want to hear.
Eigen said
This DOES NOT mean our coal is >>NO GOOD<<, it means our coal MUST BE BLENDED with HIGHER QUALITY
coking coals to SATISFY the DEMANDING blast furnace environment."
Well Eigen RBC said :
he coke strength still remains uncertain,
and this is a key characteristic of coal that cannot be altered
or changed through blending with other coals."
you can not cheat by (expensive) blending
Thermal boilers and some small ovens though, will love CMK coke.LOL
At $ 80/t....geeeesus
Eigen said
It is VERY IMPORTANT to >>FIND OUT<< what the CRI and CSR values are for the BLUE seam.
Yes EIGEN, IT IS LIFE OR DEATH INFO and do not assume the disqualifier applies just to Blue.
No,Eigen the ignoramuses here do not want to know -they are dying
They are zombies already.
Eigen said
As far as I can tell, CMK has >>NOT RELEASED<< the CSR
(coke strength after reaction) values for their coal at the NEW ELK mine.
Therefore, I CANNOT comment on the remarks made by the RBC analyst."
YES ,EIGEN withholding life or death info( what else is new ?) --means only 1 thing
Only the resident GOD can spin this into miracle of $ 10,20 30 target LOOOL
Eigen said
It is VERY STRANGE that a >>PETROGRAPHY<< lab would not test for CRI and CSR
for a coal to be sold as a >>COKING COAL<<.
Maybe CLINE is withholding this information for >>COMPETITIVE REASONS<<.
.Yes, Eigen. Not to show how uncompetitive they are and screw the investing suckers.
We don't even know if the DISQUALIFIER applies to ALL the coal or just to
part of it ,hoping it is part so,they will still sell say, 20% of vol as met.
(though the first / trial shipment will be only hand picked met - to delay the inevitable news about the WHOLE story )
GEEE, this is ALL your fault that you made me DO all this research on the coal properties of the NEW ELK mine.
Next time do the reverse :deep DD first and pull or not, the trigger second.
And let this little cult of ignorants to keep following their tard- GOD ...geeesus.
Keep doing your DD on another DISQUALIFIERS
- the 1kt Jansen storage permit
- and the size of coming dilution.
According to the pattern : the future PP brokers issue a 'pre-emptive",pre-PP target (like the before target at $ 6)
and do PP at more than 1/2 lower price.
So, Ben Kates next undercutting of shareholders PP shall be at $ 1.5 ( RBC)
to $ 1.75 (TD)
Every other emerging coal story is better than CMK
See FT: as poor as they are ,
max they consider is 30% dilution.
They rather do not develop the thing ,if they would dilute people to death.
But ,hey brokers love CMK as a milking cow and hate FT.