Post by
monty15 on Dec 20, 2012 2:29pm
dump to pump ??????
Hmmmmmm......something is loss season and patient my friends
Comment by
Prof_JD on Dec 20, 2012 2:34pm
looks like its dumpling day again.... dumplings on the house.... for the baghodlers here. looks like its headed back down to 5 cents... the dead cat bounce is now over and selling pressure will commense I got Extra spice, spince, sweet, sour sauces. jd the prof -
Comment by
kingyahoo on Dec 20, 2012 2:42pm
If you smell .5 cents, then your olfactory nerve is damaged. Having that said, I would certainly like to add at 5 cents. In fact I have been waiting for 7.5 cents all day after sellinga bunch at ,9 cents. But, having said that, CMK could drop further or move up. If it drops, it is because of manipulation and not because of any valid reason. You smell sour.