TSX:CMK - Post Discussion
Post by
bond46 on Jun 20, 2013 3:31pm
Scams and scamologists
What can anyone say with some people who like to pontificate on matters beyond their abilitiy to comprehend? For instance they don't understand how the market works, they plunge in, and then when things don't turn out the way they expected them to, they start lashing out at the first pedestrian that comes their way. Then they build myths to deal with their folly because reality is too hard to bear. Instead of trying to comprehend what is really happening out there, due to their limited understanding of things, they resort to "scamology" unable to explain how the scam occured and how the authorities or the major shareholders missed the scam. It's human nature when unable to understand or explain things through reason, they make a short cut and resort to religion, scamology, conspiracies always abound, and to quick answers in order to sooth the brain so they don't lose their sleep. And so the story goes from generation to generation with no end in sight. In the case of Cline, an incompetent management with no "hands on" experience was running the show for quite sometime. And while the market was still vibrant they were promising heavens on earth not for any other reason but the hoopla and the optimism. Now, the scamologists believe that that was deliberate to mislead the shareholders and "steal" their money. How could they steal our money? By buying shares at high price, i guess, and get stuck with them when the price drops. But it was not Bates or the Board members who were selling the stocks high. It was the traders, other major shareholders and so forth. How then did Bates steal the money. We can call Bates an incompetent idiot who did not know his mouth from his
#@$* but we can not call him a thief. But to the brain of the scamologist who is stuck at the age of 10 or lower, this is a scam no matter. Go figure.
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