Post by
MrBonobo on Jan 13, 2025 4:04pm
H20 Powering Humanity for Milleniums
Scientists have discovered on almost all earths continents vasts amounts of natural white hydrogen, under ground to surface of trillions of cubic feet of 95% of the most purest hydrogen that has the potential to power humanity for thousands of years, 50 times more white hydrogen than all the oil industries oil ever on earth, Texas, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah are some of the places detected with huge amounts of trillions of cubic feet of white hydrogen reserves, trillions in Canada, Saskatchewan, Torquay Rocanville corridor area , this just in Noth America, scientist and companies like Max Power mining in Texas and Gold H2 Technology are some of the companies racing to develope the most cleanest of technologies in order to bring this ground to surface white hydrogen to power humanity, once mined, this will be the purest cleanest method energy mined, Einstein always said it was abundant, how true, this is truly remarkable energy for humanity!