"We value Concordia shares by averaging the results of our P/E valuation and DCF analysis.
Applying a 10x multiple to our 2017 earnings forecast of $7.48 generates a value of $74.84. The
10x multiple represents a ~10% discount to the group average of ~11x. We believe a discount
relative to the group is appropriate, as the majority of the assets have lost or are nearing the
end of patent protection. Combined with a modest R&D pipeline, organic growth is challenged.
Our DCF value (9.5% WACC and a 0.5% terminal growth rate) equates to $79.65. The average of
our P/E and DCF values is $77.24, hence our $77 price target. There are no further acquisitions
included in our base case. We assume that Photofrin is approved for bile duct cancer in 2018."