Post by
slightfan1 on Dec 18, 2015 3:29pm
possible reason for decline in market
just announced by a Fed. Governor that 4 rate hikes in 2016 IS GRADUAL. probably more than market expecting. Sometimes the best laid plans......
Comment by
adamchess on Dec 18, 2015 3:35pm
Hmm, i must be bad at math as I cannot figure how 4 one-quarter per cent interest rate hikes cause a 2 per cent market decline? Let alone other sell-offs so far?? Everybody back to school.
Comment by
sunshine7 on Dec 18, 2015 3:43pm
Normally US rate hikes lead to a stronger dollar which makes repatriated income from international sales less and hence lowering earnings for these companies. The odd thing is that the US dollar is down today and the markets have been down all day??? The good news is that CXR is up on a downer day! Should there be a rebound next week, no telling what may happen.
Comment by
adamchess on Dec 18, 2015 6:26pm
Cramer says the broad sell-off was because of hedge fund redemptions by investors getting out of poor performing hedge funds.
Comment by
slightfan1 on Dec 18, 2015 6:58pm
Cramer fills up dead air space. Five minutes after he says something, he will go on another direction and following day, will say something else. A showman. Put a mike in front of him and he will go on and on. And he will always remind you of that "great call" but will never remind you of the hundred that he flugged up. But don't they all do that!