Post by
cashflow98 on Feb 05, 2016 9:43am
Donville on BNN this morning
just called CXR a double within the next 18 months.
Comment by
investorken on Feb 07, 2016 2:35am
Didn't he also say stock is 0.8BV? They should just buy back stock after making the minimum debt payments until 1.0BV... It'll be better for shareholders longer term.
Comment by
sunshine7 on Feb 07, 2016 2:59pm
Share buybacks are for companies who have nothing better to do with their cash, reduce buyout incentives, and reward shareholders. CXR has lots of better things to do with their cash... debt repayment to market acceptable levels, small tuck in acquisitions, expand markets for existing and 60 new products. The share price will take care of itself.
Comment by
123Health on Feb 07, 2016 10:39pm
Investorken, thank you for your thought provoking commentary and contributing to meaningful discussion on this board. Azures .... One thing I am sure of ..... It is never about the numbers themselves .... it is the reaction to the numbers that will be always more important.