Summary from company history (below), in 2014 total value (assets-liab) was $257,550, stock price was $40;
Currently total value is $367,429 - stock price $9;
In addition, if we remove impairment last column we see that net income was only -8 million,
if not for BREXIT, it would have been a healthy income, so company did a swap to resolve the issue for future.
Company is pretty healthy and growing in income and size; stock fall will be just a blip on stock chart in future.
2013 2014 2015 2016 (q2 - 6 months) 2016 (q2 without adj)
Revenue 40,447 104,941 394,224 460,247 460,247
Gross profit 32,109 90,300 333,862 337,459 337,459
Operat income 13,985 28,351 80,451 (434,124) 132,952
Net income 2,431 8,895 (29,425) (575,185) (8,109)
Total assets 170,765 592,700 5,276,062 4,349,554 4,916,630
Total liabilt 109,243 335,150 4,119,854 3,982,125 3,982,125
Assets-Liab 61,522 257,550 1,156,208 367,429
Stock price:(01/2014)$12 (01/2015)$40 (01/2016)$40 (06/2016) $9
Liability decreased within 6 months (12/2015 - 6/2016) by 137,729
Impairment charge - $567,076
During the period, the Company recorded $306,189 impairment with respect to Nilandron® and $260,887 impairment with respect to
Plaquenil® which have been recorded in the statement of income (loss) in the three and six month periods ended June 30, 2016. The
carrying value of Nilandron® and Plaquenil® recorded as acquired product rights intangible assets were written down to $60,654 and
$271,263 respectively. There have been no reversals of impairment losses or any previous impairments recorded with respect to acquired
product right intangible assets