Post by
MirrorWorldMan on Oct 07, 2016 2:36pm
This is all the shorts can do.. $5.8~$6?
for such big talk there is so little extra movement down? All that bad press shorty echoed and it finally looks like real support down there. Moody says real liquidity for 18 months with no evidence of dilution. Good chance of outlook turning things to positive with so many new products. It could be this is your zero. Sure, try to dive it down by borrowing more and dumping more. Your debt will reach the same levels as the company you bash and soon the reservoir will dry up. There will always be buyers. CXR can always sell a product or do an employee PP to buy back shares on the open market to fill future warrants and options. I don't see any restructuring or lay offs. Mumbai makes ultra cheap ultragenerics so the margins always are high, and as moody says, that revenue gets turned into cash real easy. Nice long term investment and hold all shares. I doubt if longs read these boards as it is, so keep up the circle jerk at the shorty table.
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juniorbullalive on Oct 08, 2016 9:05am
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marxath on Oct 08, 2016 10:43am
hey dumb dumb; the probability of Donnatal going belly up in the next 12 months is high, and once it does - it is curtains.
Comment by
LaticelnExile on Oct 08, 2016 11:24am
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