Post by
BeTheOne on May 05, 2021 9:35am
Gaming Chair June 01 and other thoughts
In 3.5 weeks the gaming chair will be unveiled by Cooler Master at Computex. It will forever change the dynamics of D-Box in my opinion. D-Box managed to raise $5.75 Million at 0.13 cents mostly from funds and institutional investors in March 2021. I think at the time the share price at market was around $0.10 cents. Plus the insiders participated in this offering. This shows to me that there is confidence in the company well beyond what we can see at the share price trading level. When funds invest $5.75 Million at $0.13cents, they expect often times a 10 baggar or at the very least a doubling of their money. If you read the press releases from December 2020 todate, you will notice that the company is heading towards the gaming industry with a mission to provide immersive haptic technology to gaming devices and gadgets. Plus let's not forget the Stingray CFO joining the board in April 2021. If you listened to the CEO'S presentation (part 2) he specifically said in the end of his presentation that he expects D-Box to grow, but "NOT ORGANICALLY". Which opens the door for mergers, partnerships and even being acquired. Stay strong, good things are coming in my opinion.
Comment by
jfddev on May 05, 2021 9:56am
Your comment always nice BeTheOne maybe you can help on Reddit : Reddit
Comment by
jfddev on May 05, 2021 10:20am
It's not my post, just give the CEO presentation youtube links to revive it. you can help on this as anybody here take care !!