Post by
BeTheOne on May 21, 2021 3:18pm
Pop will be big
This is stuck for now, but pop will be huge when REAL news hits the wire....lesson for Management here, be more communicative and don't hold cards to close to the chest unnecessarily...the Godzilla vs Kong numbers could have been shared 2 months ago and there was no reason to keep that a secret for this long..that bit of news could have elevated the share price two months ago but now it is stale news and makes management look bad.....keeping things too much under lock and key has subdued the share price....lots of potential here, take out the drums for the gaming chair now....let's hear you now and not two months after it is rolled out....
Comment by
CoolGuy2016 on May 21, 2021 3:35pm
Still the time to take advantage of the current share price. From what I understand some smart investors have now loaded their truck with cheap shares. This is going to be a big rewards for some of us when this thing starts popping. Luck to all
Comment by
renoman1960 on May 23, 2021 11:31pm
Sure hope it will pop did some buying last week will buy again this week. Been a buyer holder here for years still underwater but getting closer to even. This is my hold for retirement either steak and shrimp or beans and wieners here's hoping .