Post by
AnEducator on Nov 02, 2023 10:51am
NAV @ 10:48 am
~$14.79. Discount on capital shares: ~$0.26. The NAV needs to rise by ~3.02% to get back to payment status. Given the historical outperformance in the month of November, this is achievable.
Comment by
mouserman on Nov 02, 2023 11:25am
Yes you are correct... lots of time until they calculate which commons get paid. I believe it will be NOV 23... picked up some near the open today. LCS kind of ran away from me, and DGS looked ripe for a trade...
Comment by
Higherhopes2020 on Nov 02, 2023 1:40pm
NAV keeps climbing? I am glad bought some. Its is the one trading at a discount. Thanks for posting NAV. It helps a lot.