Post by
Midtown007 on Feb 13, 2022 12:14pm
Huge Diamond Discovery in Prince Albert
Can you imagine if we go back 20 years and were able to republish a headline like this and then go on to say that normally it takes 20 years of soil samples, grab samples, negoatations with First Nations, drilling more drilling, more drilling, water rights, roads, power lines, more drilling, provincial enviromental studies , Federal enviromental studies and permits, more drilling , establishing a major for a partner, more drilling , more samples and the raw price of diamonds yp be up 30%. and then say were going to acomplish all in 12 months.
The srock price would have shot tp 12 bucks maybe even higher, but here we sit at 30 cents, If somebody told me 20 years ago that this would be the case I would have given them 100-1 odds. 20-25 years ago just some geoligist showing up in a half ton truck with a tri pod would have shot this to 30 cents.
It's truley unbeleivable
Comment by
zibo on Feb 13, 2022 1:58pm
Yes I agree this is unbelievable, I keep picking up 10k shares on every drop in SP, I think this is an opportunity to add at this level the bottom must be in somewhere around the .30 range I'm thinking JMO, although I wouldn't be surprised to see a shake out before some news.